Thursday, January 28, 2010

i don't like food anymore

Well, at least not as much as I used to.

Lots of things that I used to love just kind of leave me feeling "meh" these days.  Some things even gross me out completely now.

I don't know what's going on but I would like it to go away now.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Weight Changes

It's only been about a month since I found out I was pregnant.  My weight has been a little nutty.

In the first few weeks I was ravenously hungry and ate everything.  I gained three or four pounds.

Then the morning/all-day sickness came.  I wanted nothing to do with food.  I lost two pounds.

I've still got some nausea/gagging issues but I'm not really getting sick anymore.  It's hard to eat things, though, mostly because very little appeals to me.  I've lost two more pounds.

This brings me to -2 baby pounds.  I'm almost 11 weeks pregnant and still losing weight.

Part of me wants to freak out about this but I'm just going to try to trust that my little parasite is taking what it needs from me.

The proof!

December 18, 2009

This is the day I found out I was pregnant.

I cried for a while at the shock.

Then I started thinking about the wonderfulness of it all.

My husband and I hugged for a long time.